Pool Trends 2020

Pool trends of 2020
Each year leaders in the pool industries gather in various places all over the world to discuss new ideas and interesting aesthetics; that offer future and current pool owners’ inspiration for new pools and renovations.

2020 is going to see some amazing trends and a few ‘out there’ ones for those who are looking for something a little different.
First up for pool trends for 2020 we have black or dark pools, we have spoken about these before but 2020 is going to see more of these. Grey pools and grey, in general, have become a staple colour choice in homes for many years however recent trends on Houzz and other interior design sites have suggested that black is soon going to replace grey.
Although a dark or black-bottomed pool is visually stunning and works well with contemporary houses with natural materials, it also provides environmental benefits. When something is dark it absorbs heat, which means you will need to use less energy to heat your water.
Here are some examples of black-bottomed or dark pools, what do you think? Would you enjoy one of these?

Next up we have energy efficiency with Pool Trends for 2020 focusing on environmentally friendly options. Now this is not necessarily a trend but more of a desire to save money and help the environment along the way. Pools can be expensive to run if you are using outdated or inefficient equipment. Each year companies release new and better equipment.
Here are our top 3 products that we believe will make a big impact in 2020.
1) The Calorex Inverter Heat Pump. Purposefully designed for the UK weather. Offering exceptional energy-saving technology to keep your pool warm, save you money, and help reduce carbon emissions. To find out more click here.
2) Purge UV is a revolutionary UV system that will help reduce the number of chemicals you need to use in your pool, therefore, saving you money and helping the environment. To find out how it works click here. Coming mid-2020
3) Estelle filter cleaner is a genius way to keep your hot tub and spa working well. When your filter works well then you save money on chemicals. This great product allows you to clean your filter without needing to use chemicals.
There are a couple of other ways you can improve the energy efficiency of your pool such as investing in new energy-efficient LED’s lights. It may seem like a simple thing to do but it can have a huge impact on your bills and the aesthetics of your pool. Many new LED pool lights can be controlled from your phone and have greater variations for a truly beautiful impact.
Update your pump to a newer more energy-efficient one. Obviously don’t do it if you upgraded a few years ago, however, if your system has not been upgraded since you moved into the property and you don’t know how old it is then we would suggest talking to your local pool company about the latest pumps. One of our favorites is the Hayward RSIIVSTD.
As we move towards a more environmentally conscious era some pool owners are beginning to look at chlorine alternatives. Increasing alternative sterilisation methods such as UV will help to reduce your need for chemicals and therefore help reduce the number of chemicals entering the environment. However, it is important to bear in mind that chlorine is a very effective disinfectant and there is a reason it is used in commercial settings. Please do not put your health at risk, before you make any changes to your sanitisation please talk to your pool company.
Circular pools have been seen rising amongst architectural trends in the past year, the shape is believed to create an open and inviting area that allows ‘meaningful social connection’.
Here are three of our top circular pools.

Picture by Jose Campos. This circular level deck pool is a true masterpiece, offering simplicity with functionality, a space to swim, and relax whilst being visually interesting.

A stepless skimmer pool, beautifully simple and elegant, the perfect place to cool off on a hot summer’s day.

Combining two of the hottest pool trends of 2020, circular and dark, this pool would be a wonderful space to lie back, relax, and swim. Circular or round pools are perfect for those who want to incorporate curves and natural lines into their landscaping. Stern lines and angular designs have been huge trends over the past few years, and they will continue however softer edges and curves are seeing a comeback.
For more ideas and pool trend inspiration follow us on Facebook. Talk to one of our team if you would like advice on improving your energy efficiency or help with a pool renovation.